poco.sdk.interfaces.hierarchy 源代码

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[文档]class HierarchyInterface(object): """ This is one of the main communication interfaces. This interface defines hierarchy-related behaviour assembling from :py:class:`IDumper <poco.sdk.AbstractDumper.IDumper>`, :py:class:`Attributor <poco.sdk.Attributor>` and :py:class:`Selector <poco.sdk.Selector>`. The hierarchy mentioned is the real hierarchy on target app runtime, e.g. a game UI hierarchy in its runtime. """
[文档] def select(self, query, multiple): """ Select UI element(s) matching the given query expression and return the list of selected UI element(s) Args: query (:obj:`tuple`): query expression, for the structure specification refer to :py:class:`Selector <poco.sdk.Selector>`. multiple (:obj:`bool`): whether or not to select multiple elements, if False, the method terminates \ immediately once the node is found, otherwise the method travers through all nodes and then terminates Returns: :obj:`list` : list of UI elements corresponding to the given query expression """ raise NotImplementedError
[文档] def dump(self): """ Get the UI hierarchy with its origin structure and attributes, then store the structure and attributes into a json serializable dictionary. Returns: :obj:`dict` : dict representing the hierarchy structure. Structure specification refers to \ :py:class:`IDumper <poco.sdk.AbstractDumper.IDumper>`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[文档] def getAttr(self, nodes, name): """ Get attribute of UI element. Args: nodes: UI element or list of UI elements, if there is a list of UI elements provided, then only the \ first UI element will be used name (:obj:`str`): attribute name """ raise NotImplementedError
[文档] def setAttr(self, nodes, name, value): """ Set attribute of UI element. Args: nodes: UI element or list of UI elements, if there is a list of UI elements provided, then only the \ first UI element will be used name (:obj:`str`): attribute name value: new value to be set. Raises: UnableToSetAttributeException: raised when: * fails to set attributes on given UI element * the engine does not support mutating attributes * developer does not allow to change the attribute value by implementation """ raise NotImplementedError