poco.drivers.unity3d.test.tutorial.scroll1 源代码

# coding=utf-8

from poco.drivers.unity3d.test.tutorial.case import TutorialCase

[文档]class Scroll1Tutorial(TutorialCase):
[文档] def runTest(self): # swipe the list view up self.poco('Scroll View').swipe([0, -0.1]) self.poco('Scroll View').swipe('up') # the same as above, also have down/left/right self.poco('Scroll View').swipe('down') # perform swipe without UI selected x, y = self.poco('Scroll View').get_position() end = [x, y - 0.1] dir = [0, -0.1] self.poco.swipe([x, y], end) # drag from point A to point B self.poco.swipe([x, y], direction=dir) # drag from point A toward given direction and length
if __name__ == '__main__': import pocounit pocounit.main()